Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Kinesio Taping Tightness in Mechanical Low Back Pain: A randomized Controlled Trail

Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Kinesio Taping Tightness in Mechanical Low Back Pain: A randomized Controlled Trail

Olga Velasco-Rolda´n, PhD, Inmaculada Riquelme, PhD, Alejandro Ferragut-Garcı´as, PhD, Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo, PhD, Cleofa´s Rodrı´guez-Blanco, PhD, A´ Q1 ngel Oliva-Pascual-Vaca

A.O.-P.-V. Physiotherapy Department, Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry, University of Sevilla, c/ Avicena s/n, 41009 Sevilla, Spain. Address correspondence to: A.O.-P.-V.; e-mail: [email protected] Disclosure: nothing to disclose


Background- There is controversy regarding the best technique for applying Kinesio Tex taping (KT), and the theory supporting that skin convolutions may explain its efficacy has recently been challenged

Methods/ Materials- All participants received a two I-strip taping over the paravertebral muscles for 24 hours. Paper-off tension (15%-25% of the available stretch) was used in the standard KT group, which was increased to 40% in the increased KT tension group. The rest of participants received a taping procedure with no KT tension. Measurements were taken at baseline, immediately after the taping, 24 hours after the taping, and after KT removal.

Results- In the between-groups analysis of the mean score changes after baseline assessment, no significant differences were found for any of the outcome measures (P >.05) except the left back-saver sit-and-reach test (P ..03). A statistically significant interaction group   gender   time was observed only for mechanosensitivity values (P . .02 for the gluteus and P . .01 for the erector spinae).

Conclusion-KT tightness does not seem to influence pain sensitivity and lumbar mobility in chronic LBP in either the immediate or short term.

Keywords- Muscle strength, Chronic LBP, Lumbar mobility, Kinesio tape, Tape with wisdom, Kinesio live different Science,

Published Kinesio Research

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